USVN 1.0.12

USVN 1.0.12 is now available.

  • Security fix XSS injection possible by USVN admins

Credit to Jeffrey Bencteux for the security issue reports.

USVN 1.0.10

USVN 1.0.10 is now available.

  • Force SameSite Strict on cookies to prevent CSRF: CVE-2020-25070
  • Prevent shell code execution in the commit view: CVE-2020-25069
  • Minimum recommended PHP version 7.3

Credit to Jomar and Serizao for the security issue reports.

USVN 1.0.9

USVN 1.0.9 is now available.

  • Fix XSS in SVN logs. Credit to Sysdream
  • Solve some problems about binary file, locale and mysql importing.
  • Add X-Forwarded-Proto variable check on protocol check
  • Added error_log for fail2ban capture by apache-auth filter
  • Solve the key length error reported by mysql when import the sql.
  • Set the locale by system.locale in the config file.

Thanks a lot to Sysdream for the security report.

USVN 1.0.8

USVN 1.0.8 is now available.

  • Compatibility with PHP 7.0
  • Fix JVN#73794686 Cross-site scripting vulnerability

Thanks a lot to JPCERT for the security issue coordination.

USVN 1.0.7

Happy new years,

USVN 1.0.7 is now available.

  • Slovenian translation by gorankav
  • clickable logo, goes to homepage by Nowaker
  • allow dot in user names by Nowaker

USVN 1.0.6

Happy new years,

USVN 1.0.6 is now available.

Thanks to xxorax you can now configure the default permission for Subversion files on your server.
The new settings are:
;; svn files mod on creation	
subversion.chmod = "0770"	
;; svn repo/db/* directories mod (used on fcgi env)
subversion.chmod_db = "2770"

We also fix a bug in management of groups for an user. We also move the website on github pages, the hosting should be more reliable.

Hungarian translation

Dear Gents,

I translated the en_US messages to Hungarian (hu_HU).
It is for the newest USVN version 1.0.1.

Szládovics Péter

Attached file: hungarian_translation_usvn.tgz

SVN Autocheckout

Sebastian Buckpesch

Dear USVN-Team,

thanks a lot for your product. It helps me a lot to manage my SVN-Repository and projects. As a contribution to your work I send you my auto-commit files, which I think many developers are using.

What auto-commit does: Each time someone is checking in a new version of a file to the repository, the file will be checked-out to the www-directory automatically, so that everybody can see the new version live on the test-/web-server. To get this functionality you need two files in the hooks-folder of a project:
  • hooks/post-commit (you have to replace two variables, repository path and path to www-folder)
  • hooks/bin/ (has to be executable by post-commit: chmod +x)

Proposal to quick including autocheckout functionality:
1) When an admin creates a new project in usvn he can choose to use auto-checkout. If so, he has to enter the server path to his www-directory he wants to checkout the files to.
2) After saving you include the two attached files into the repository template (folder hooks) and replace the two variables in post-commit-file (repo-path and www-path)

That's it! I think it's not so complicated to include and would help many users.

Best Regards from Dublin,

Attached file:

USVN end of support

After many years we need to suspend USVN support. Core developers have no longer time to support this software. If someone wants to continue USVN adventure feel free to contact us. Thanks to all users

USVN 1.0.1

The 1.0.1 revision of USVN is available.

This revision fix some bugs of revision 1.0.0, in particular:

  • htpasswd file import
  • Group edition
  • Internet Explorer rendering
  • LDAP login
  • Log comment display

Update is recommanded for everyone.

Thanks for users reporting bugs.

USVN 1.0

You might not know it, but USVN is a scholastic project. The original creators of the project have been quite busy with school and internships, plus they have now finshed their studies, and have been released in the wild world of real work.

However do not worry, dear USVN user. Because the original creators now having a job does not mean the project will be abandonned!
I am proud to announce that we are taking over the project, with the original creators still supervising us. And in case you are wondering, this is who "we" are:
  • Sylvain «Zak» Hughet
  • Thibault «naixn» Martin-Lagardette
  • Damien «Tidam» Meurisse
  • Jean-Philippe «Carbonimax» Meunier
  • Pierre «Nelyus» Monod-Broca

We know that this might not actually be a «good» news for you per say, but we are not coming empty-handed.
In fact, we are announcing the release of USVN 1.0!

Yes, you read correctly, we are releasing USVN version 1.0.
However, 1.0 does not mean it's a final product. But a new team, with an almost new code base... We thought it deserved a different version number, just for the sake of it!
Without further ado, here is the interesting part:

What's new in USVN 1.0:
  • A brand new design!
    USVN worked great, but some things were missing for a better user experience. So we decided to start with a new design! We hope you'll like it!
  • A newer code base!
    Some parts were quite old, and did not fit in an application this big, but we now have a newer (and hopefully better) code base for more speed and responsiveness.
  • Revision browsing + revision differences + syntax highlighting!
    SVN is a powerful tool, because it allows you to keep a history of your source code. And you can also see what changed between different revisions.
    Well guess what? You can now do that via USVN now, too! As a bonus, you will get a colored diff!
    Plus, we know most of you do not really enjoy reading your code plain black on plain white. So be happy, because we have syntax highlighting! (using GeSHI)
  • LDAP support!
    The more user databases, the harder it is to manage. LDAP aims at creating a unique directory services protocol, and it does a great job doing that.
    You asked us to implement LDAP, and we heard you. 1.0 comes with (limited) LDAP support. Why limited? Because for now, it can only be used to login. You cannot modify your LDAP backend using USVN at all (aka, you can't add group, people, etc.), but you can use it for users that already exist in your LDAP backend.
  • A newer Zend version
    Up until now, USVN was using a version of the Zend Framework that came out about when it (USVN) started. But it's been a while now, and there has been a lot of newer versions of the framework.
    We are now using Zend Framework version 1.7.4. We know it is not the latest one, but bare with us, Zend released 12 versions in 6 months, including 2 major revisions.
    Don't worry, we will be updating the Zend Framework from time to time.

The online demo has been updated. Go check it out to see all the new features.

We really hope you will be pleased by this new version.
As usual, if you find a bug, try to check if we already know about it, and if not, create a ticket on the Trac.

USVN 0.7.2

USVN 0.7.2 is now available. This version fix blocking bugs reported by users and add minor improvement.

Fix blocking bugs:
  • Project creation with Subversion 1.5
  • After modifying a group, all members will be gone
Minor improvements:
  • Subversion urls are clickable
  • Download files from file browser
New translations:
  • Indonesian
  • Dutch
Upgrade is mandatory.

Thanks to all contributors and our friends of Rathaxes for their help.


A demonstration is now available. You can test USVN on

Indonesian and dutch translations

The translations into indonesian and dutch are availables on USVN download page. Thanks to Kevin Wouters and Zaenal for their works.

USVN website is back

After two week of downtime we are back. Due to an heavy maintenance on our hoster we lost connection to our server and due to hollidays nobody from the team can move to fix it. Thanks to all for your reports and hosting offers.

USVN 0.7.1

USVN 0.7.1 is now available. This version fix blocking bugs reported by users.

Now Japanese and Brazilian portuguese translations are include into USVN package.

Fix blocking bugs:
  • Upgrade from 0.6.5 doesn't support database prefix
  • Add missing rss icon on Internet Explorer
  • Problem with recursive file rights update
  • Fix problem with PDO on Etch and CentOS
  • User can only click on his groups
  • Better errors display when htpasswd is invalid

Since 0.7 we have collected a lot of information about USVN users.
Now we are pleased publish them on our website: Stats

New translations

We are glad to announce two new language for USVN:
  • Brazilian portuguese by Jose Carlos N Medeiros
  • Japanese by Norio Yoshida

USVN 0.7

Major release for USVN with 0.7 version

This USVN 0.7 release is already available on USVN website here.

The main changes on this version are based on users feedbacks.
Group's management browsing has been rewritten.
Now it is possible to choose a group leader which control users in a specified group.
Project leaders can't modify groups linked to their projects.

Concerning the change log:

  • Add of an RSS flow which allow to follow project life's.
  • New dedicated time line page.
  • New tools in order to import existing Subversion repositories.
  • USVN package for WAMP, easy installation of USVN under Windows.
  • Groups management rewriting.
  • Automatics checks for new USVN release.
  • Page which give a detailed USVN installation report.
  • Recursive rights application on folders and sub folders.
  • Russian translation
  • German translation
  • It is also possible to create empty projects (they will not have folders "/trunk" ,"/tags", "/branches" automatically generated.)
  • By default user will not have write permissions on folders "/trunk and "/branches" ( this do not concern "/tags" folder).

We highly advise all USVN users to make this update to 0.7 version because the previous version (0.6) will only receive security updates.

USVN Team.

USVN 0.7 RC5

USVN 0.7 RC5 is a preview release of next major version of USVN

You can test this version before publication of the production ready release.

The main changes on this version are based on users feedbacks.
Group's management browsing has been rewritten.
Now it is possible to choose a group leader witch control users in a specified group.
Project leaders can't modify groups linked to their projects.

Concerning the change log:

  • Add of an RSS flow witch allow to follow project life's.
  • New dedicated time line page.
  • New tools in order to import existing Subversion repositories.
  • USVN package for WAMP, easy installation of USVN under Windows.
  • Groups management rewriting.
  • Automatics checks for new USVN release.
  • Page witch give a detailed USVN installation report.
  • Recursive rights application on folders and sub folders.
  • Russian translation
  • German translation
  • It is also possible to create empty projects (they will not have folders "/trunk" ,"/tags", "/branches" automatically generated.)
  • By default user will not have write permissions on folders "/trunk and "/branches" ( this do not concern "/tags" folder).

You can download this version:

PFE Forum


The 9 and 10 of november 2007 there is the PFE Forum event.
This event take place at EPITECH school in the south of Paris.
During this event all the students are presenting their end of studies project.
USVN team will be presenting USVN project during to days.

ou are free to come between 1 PM and 7 PM friday and 10 AM to 5 PM saturday.

Epitech address:

24, rue Pasteur
94270 Le Kremlin Bicetre

Closer access: Metro Porte d'Italie

USVN Team.

USVN 0.6.5

USVN 0.6.5 released

The USVN 0.6.5 version is now available on USVN website here.

  • Fix minor security issue (unauthorized user can see list of files into Subversion repository)
  • Fix minor bugs
  • Improve locale detections
  • Special Characters like + are now allowed into directories names

USVN Team.

USVN 0.6.4

USVN new release!

The USVN 0.6.4 version is now available on USVN website here.

What's new in 0.6.4:

  • Update to Zend Framework 1.0.1.
  • Now it is possible to pass over the detection step during the installation of USVN.
  • You can set the timezone you want. There is a possible merge of htpasswd from command line.
  • And now you can include the dash character (-) in project names.
  • We preserse some modifications into authz files.
  • USVN is now available in Czech!
  • USVN website is now available in Spanish!

Special thanks to Alois Belaska, Martin W. Kirst and Esteban Cerutti for their help.

The USVN team.

USVN Trophées du libre

USVN take part in the 'Trophées du Libre' Contest!

The USVN team development have decided to be part of this major event.

We want to thank you all for using USVN and for the help you provide developing it.

"With 113 participants from 18 countries, 'Trophées du Libre' is unquestionably the largest competition ever organised to promote the spirit of Free Software to software users. The developers who will win this award will get the publicity they deserve."

Richard M Stallman, chairman of the jury of the first Trophées du libre

The link: International Free Software contest

The USVN team.

Czech translation

The translation into Czech is available on USVN download page. Thanks to Alois Belaska for his work.


The USVN project supports GoPHP5 initiative to help transition to PHP 5.2.

Starting now we will accept PHP 5.2.X features into our codebase and our new feature releases will no longer provide support for older PHP versions.

USVN is already fully compatible with all the PHP 5.X versions and doesn't support PHP 4 but next versions will require PHP 5.2.X because we use some functions of this version related to dates.

For more information please read:

USVN 0.6.3

USVN 0.6.3 has been just released. This version focus on translation of the interface. And of course this version also fixes some bugs:

  • Spanish translation
  • Chinese translation
  • Fix translation issues in file browser
  • If installation fail you can restart it
  • Fix update authz file problem when remove group from project
  • You can change htpasswd and authz files emplacement
  • Change javascript sort tables (improve browser compatibility)
  • Command line installer (for packaging purpose)
  • Improve display of last five commits

Thanks to all contributors

The USVN team.

USVN 0.6.2

USVN 0.6.2 has been just released. This version fixes some bugs.

  • Fix JavaScript problems to set rights on /
  • Install is possible in https
  • Groups are unique
  • Improve file browser design
  • Fix minors bug with SQLite

The USVN team.

USVN 0.6.1

USVN 0.6.1 has been just released. This version fixes some bugs.

  • Correct file browser under Windows
  • Install work on different ports than 80
  • Correct bug can't change password when using mouse
  • Install create a file authz

The USVN team.

Release of Mike (Version 0.6)

We have just published USVN 0.6. The main guideline of this version is to improve compatibility with many operating systems and many databases.

An automated update from 0.5 is provided but please backup your data before updating.

You can download this version on our website:

Thanks for your support

Changelog of version 0.6

  • Support of Sqlite Database
  • Support of Mysqli adapter (Solve crash on debian etch)
  • 64 bits support
  • Microsoft Windows support
  • Detect some possible configuration issues in installation (mod_dav_svn, mod_rewrite, safe_mode...)
  • Access rigths on root directory of subversion repositories

Minor features

  • When you create an user you can create a group with the same name
  • Add user into a group directly into this group admin page
  • Manage user's groups into users admin page
  • Arrow works in completions
  • Using Zend Framework 1.0.0RC2
  • Better compatibility with Internet Explorer

The USVN team.

Release of Mike (Version 0.6) coming soon

After many suggestions from you and in order to improve USVN, we are already working on fixing bugs and improving software ergonomy.

After analysing your comments and to satisfy our community, the next version of USVN 0.6 will probably be released on June.

The USVN team.

Release of Ellie (Version 0.5)

USVN development team is proud to annonce you that the first USVN public version (0.5) is released.

What are USVN features for this version:

  • Creation and suppression of subversion deposit.
  • htpasswd generation from USVN user list.
  • Thin access restriction management of files on the subversion.

Wich operating system's are supported ?

Right now, all UNIX based OS all web browsers excepted IE are supported. Theses ones will come later due to incompatibility problems. We are working on theses but you can already test USVN under Microsoft Windows OS and see how it works but some functionnality are broken.
USVN will be compatible with Microsoft Windows OS in the next release. We will inform you in time.

For more information please visit our website: and our forum:

The USVN team.